Animal Success Stories
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Jyn is doing very well....unfortunately in early November we suddenly lost our 9 year old Doberman Jango to DCM but Jyn adjusted without any negative reaction. I was in an automobile accident while on duty which likely will force me to retire due to the injuries I sustained and have not returned to work. In my time at home I have been training Jyn just as I did Jango. She walks on the leash without issue and knows the term “home” and will walk up our driveway and go to our gate. She will also do the same once we get to our driveway now without being told “home”. She knows sit, lay down, come here, go outside potty, go inside, bedtime, stay, get toy, & paw as well. In addition she also knows “no bite” when she starts to get too rough playing/“puppy biting”. She knows to not go downstairs to our basement where our cat mostly stays. Jyn will sit at top of the steps and patiently wait for our cat to come to her without chasing. Once together Jyn will behave and if she starts to play and scare the cat she will stop when told to do so. She also gets along well with our 12 year old minpin. She socializes well with our neighbors and their dogs and younger children.....she does the same with strangers of both when at the pet store too. Hopefully soon I will start to work with her off the leash......Jango was able to stay in our front yard, be in the park, and on walks off the leash so I am confident Jyn has the capacity to do so too. I apologize if there was a misunderstanding but I was under the impression that classes were recommended but not mandatory and I advised I had trained Jango and would Jyn as well.