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He's settled in great. He gets along really well with the cat, is awesome in a car, and we take him over to see my mom often because she's finally out of the nursing home and he just loves her. I've attached some photos, I tried but cldnt seem to attach the videos, which shows him playing in the yard, one diving in to the yard to eat He had a blast, he was an absolute riot, is a really goofy personality so it's fun to watch him evolve! Just want to say thanks so much again we will definitely put a review up, it was an awesome experience and we couldn't be more grateful for you guys. He's definitely a welcome addition to our family. As i sit hear and type this, i am literally hanging off the end of the couch, since he insists on laying right behind See last


Scarlett is doing well, although she still has a few bad habits to correct that were in the intake documents from the owner surrender. We compare her to a toddler; as soon as you turn your back, she tries to get into mischief, but not as often as she was at first. She still likes to counter surf on occasion, and she will try to get the lid off of the trash can once in a while also. These are some things we still need work on, but she’s smart and is learning. We hired doghouse training back in December(they can be found on Facebook, and I would highly recommend them to anyone) and went through 9 lessons where they would train her, then split 50/50, then I would run the lesson. She’s also had a couple of lessons in RKO and Walmart where there were a lot of distractions, working on her obedience. It’s been like night and day difference in just the little amount of time that the training took. They not only got her making good decisions, but also have educated me on how to become a better leader that she needs me to be. I take her to the store as much as I can so that she can socialize all the while staying obedient. The biggest improvement that I’ve experienced in her obedience was the difference from her first vet visit not long after we got her, to her visit yesterday for her DAP vaccination this year. The first visit, she wasn’t terribly obedient, would pull to try to socialize with another dog, and made it difficult for me to sign paperwork during check out at the front desk. Yesterday was a complete different story. I was able to get her to do a down when the vet and vet tech were not able to get her stay still to administer the vaccination. There was another dog in the lobby when we went to leave that she wanted to socialize, but after about a minute of gaining her attention and a leave it command, she sat by my side with a loose leash, just as she’s been trained to do. We started working on the building blocks for off leash, but the weather hasn’t been real cooperative to expand much on it. All in all, we are very happy to have her part of our life, and she seems very content with choosing us to be in hers as well. I apologize I don’t have any pictures to provide at the moment, but would like to attend one of the Doberman underground events in the future when one is a little closer to home and fits into our schedule. Regards, Doug


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Hello everyone,

I apologize for taking so long to respond.  We have been battling the weather up north as I am sure you have been too.  Enclosed are a few pictures of Miss Sadie, the Satan dog,
formally known as Satin.  One is pursuing her favorite activity, eating.  The others are a day at Lake Michigan, she likes the water and riding in the boat, and the other is from last
week, she is trying to coax the Sheltie that lives at the bottom of our road, to come out and play.  Unfortunately the only thing the Sheltie is interested in is barking and chasing 
Sadie out of her yard, which much to my disappointment is way to easy for her.  Sadie is very good around other dogs after an introduction.  She gets very excited and sometimes
less than experienced owners are a little apprehensive but always alright after an explanation.  As I told Heather last week I believe after a year she is going to keep me.  I was afraid
for awhile that I was going to gain a reputation around the neighborhood as being the "runners" owner.  After taking Gwenn's advice, a new updated shock collar corrected the problem,
almost immediately.  I realized that she did not run when I first brought her home because of the snow.  She only went where it was clear.  As soon as the snow melted it was time to
try our collective patience. Thanks for bearing with me.  As I told Heather last week we had our yearly checkup with the vet, who was very pleased with her.  It took me a while to get
some weight on her and get it to stay.  She weights 75lbs. I also sent Heather a picture of her in her new Carhartt Coat which I would recommend to everyone.  It is very easy to put 
on, has two velcro straps, it appears to keep her warm and she even likes wearing it.  Our vet also started her on a new, (to me), Heartworm med, Interceptor Plus. So I think she is 
a very happy girl who is just waiting for all the snow to melt so she can get back to the business at hand up here, chasing the Chipmunks and Squirrels in her Vineyard.  She also
discovered last fall that the Vineyard has an unlimited amount of treats just hanging there for the taking.  After the harvest she spent hours scouring the vines, looking for leftovers.
Thank you for trusting me to give her a forever home.  As I stated on my application I have adopted from an organization similar to yours before.  Except for our first Dobe, which we
got as a puppy, all of our other girls have been rescue's of some sort.  I would be more than happy to share my experience with Sadie with any prospect your organization may have.
If I could be of any help, please share my phone and/or email with them. 


Text response from Bill (adopter): Heather, I did not get the email, try Here's princess Sadie, still the "Satan dog", but after a year still getting better. I think she's decided to keep me. I will send you a better picture tomorrow, as she is watching the football game , ie sleeping. We had our yearly checkup last month and the vet was very happy, as I have finally gotten some weight on her. She's real vocal and pushy, nothing new, and I very rarely find it necessary to crate her during the day. Tell Gwen I ended up buying a new shock collar, per her advice, hence no more runaway calls. She wears it most of the time, just in case. She does make the most of my farm but comes when called. Its no secret its been cold, so since she is now a farm dog, she has a new Carhartt coat.

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